
Gang Li has joined the College of Computer Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China, since Mar. 2024. He obtained M.Sc. degree from Guilin University of Electronic Technology in 2016, and Ph.D. degree from Concordia University in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Jun Cai. He is also affiliated with the Network Intelligence and Innovation Lab (NI2Lab), Concordia University, Canada. From Jul. 2022 to Feb. 2024, He was with the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Wuhan Textile University. His recent research interests include optimization, mechanism design, online algorithm, machine learning, and their applications in resource management for various wireless networks including edge/fog computing, industrial IoT, vehicular/UAV  systems, 5G and beyond communication.


  • Research Professor at Inner Mongolia University, Mar. 2024
  • Assistant Professor at Wuhan Textile University, from Jul. 2022 to Feb. 2024
  • Research Assistant (RA) from Jan. 2017 to Dec. 2021 with Concordia University
  • Participate in the project named differential positioning method in low orbit dual-satellite passive location system from Sep. 2013 to Jun 2016 with Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Selected Scholarships & Awards

  • Concordia International Tuition Award of Excellence, 2019
  • Travel Award, University of Manitoba, 2018
  • International Graduate Student Scholarship, 2017
  • China National Scholarship for graduate students, 2015
  • National Endeavor Fellowship and scholarship, 2013
  • Certificated as a programmer in the Qualification Certificate of Computer and Software Technology Proficiency, 2011
